Saturday, May 13, 2006

Some updates

Gosh..time flies really fast now..Well,i'm going up to KL this coming Monday and have no idea when will i come back home as i need to check on my timetable and transportation.Those usual stuff.Definitely going to miss home,mom's cooking especially.*sigh*.Almost finish packing my stuff and damn..its really so many things.Macam mau pindah rumah pulak.Maybe that's ofcourse i guess..there will be like my 2nd home to me.Called up Steph this evening to confirm a few things that we are bringing up there.Yea..she will be my roommate..That's a good thing.Since she's my ex-schoolmate and also we are somehow related plus we are taking the same course..guess we wont be so awkward at each other.Damn..i still haven't buy the toilet miror.That's the last thing in my shopping list that i've not tick and i still like have 2 days left.

Just now I received a call from yong xiang at about 8pm asking me whether im free at 9pm.He said that he's extremely bored and was asking me if i wanna hang out with him.And i did went out with him coz i was pretty bored too at that moment.So we went to Greenworld Cafe and had a drink.he ordered me this drink..."Memory", tasted really good. A mix of Vanilla and some strawberries flavour with some fruits and nata de coco.Yummy.Whereas he ordered himself a Chocolate Milk Shake.After drinking...we thought of going to cyber cafe to play O2 Jam..but that cafe that we wanted to go somehow din open.And we ended up in Jonker Walk instead.On our way to Jonker... there's this blardy blind or what i also dont know motorcylist hit the left side car can that fella be so blind...Obviously it's not yongxiang's fault as he's in the right lane to do the cornering.Before that i did notice that the motorcycle was speeding and coming nearer to the car but i dont expect that he'll be so blind.Suddenly....BAaAAmMMMmM!!!! and i shouted..well i shout not that loud thou.So he stop his freaking blardy motorcycle at the side and pretending that his leg was injured.Yongxiang went down and deal with that bastard and at that time he din notice that his car side mirror was gone so he din ask for any payment.If i know..i should have went down from the car and ask for payment."stupid me". Plus..i don't even know what the heck it got to do with his leg.Definitely serve him right.What's funny at that time was..after that guy leave...i told him that his side mirror was gone.He was soooo surprise and speechless.Gahahaha.He went down from his car again to find that mirror but it was weird that there's no sign of any mirror.I told him that it might had dropped into that guy's motorcycle's basket.

Me: Sure drop in that fella motor's basket d.
xiang: yea..maybe.Why you din tell me earlier that the mirror is gone??
Me: how the hell i know that you dont know?I tot you know as i saw u picking up something.
xiang: I picked up his slipper la...

DUH...!! Slipper??You dont have to be so kind-hearted to that fella la my fren.Nabeh...that pathetic bastard can still dare to ask to pick up his damn ugly smelly slipper.If it was me...guess i'll just throw his slipper away.Haha..but i wont be that cruel thou.We kinda had a hard laugh about it then. Reach Jonker after that and just talked about some crappy stuffs while walking. As usual it was packed with people and there's this AhMa who stepped on my foot!! She din even say a sorry or what..geez.Since she's old..i dont really mind actually.After done walking..he sent me home.That's all i guess.

Currently wondering if my parents will get me a laptop or not.I think they will coz i heard my mom saying that she'll try and get me one but its not now as my dad just bought a new laptop and a new Olympus Digi Cam.Laptop are not cheap to us.I was pretty envy at my bro's new handphone.Nokia N70.Apparently it was a 3G phone.Now i'm starting to wonder if i will ever get myself a 3G phone.I always wanted an iPod too.Darn..i'm building castles in the air. There's many new cool gadgets in market right now that make me so wanna own them.

Guess its enough for my craps in this entry.Will update later on if i want to.Till then...-cheers-

0 Thoughtful Crap(s):