Monday, July 04, 2005

There It Goes Again

Just feel really bored right now...not knowing what the heck im doing infront of this PC.Today's school is as usual nothing interesting and damn..i'm really sleepy in class just now..can't really concentrate especially during math lesson...the last 2 periods before the school dismiss.Miss Tan was teaching us 'Kebarangkalian' and apparently i dont really know what the heck is all about...well ofcause i know the basic ones but when it comes to the mind twisting questions...i was totally lost.Damn it.Now i'm in misery as the monthly test is on the next 2 days!..i just got my SPM timetable and gosh it's a long for me..i start on the Nov 14 till Nov 28.Such a long period of time.I'm still in under pressure of my blardy rashes on my hands...I dont think it will disappear before Saturday.Mom told me to get a Nyonya Kebaya instead as it was a long sleeve.But that costume is rather expensive.I dont really want my mom to waste money on my's just a dinner right.So i guess...i'll think about it again.I still haven't found the right shoe for that night yet.I'm wondering..why do i always have difficulty in buying a shoe???Currently i went to a number of shoe shops and none is in my 'list' what a sad case.There i go again..ending a blog with saying 'what a sad case'..damn.

0 Thoughtful Crap(s):