The heart has its reason of which reason knows nothing...
Im running out of ideas lately of titles.. Brain dead. Oh maybe i should have put it as Hari Raya Datang Lagi.. Hmm.. ok.. Nevermind.. just let the title be. Lazy to hit the delete button. LOL!!
I'm already in Malacca right now.. finished my internship program and now im having my one and a half month break.. ~woot~ but.. u see.. im not like those hardoworking friends that get a part time job. gaahh.. I admit that my laziness had conquered me. Oh.. welcome to my life =] heh.
So as usual.. gonna update what's been up with me for the past weeks..
On the 15th August 09, I was in Malacca to celebrate my first ever cousin nephew, Shawn's 1 year old Birthday. .Cute rite..? haha.. =]
One of the Saturday, Ms Ai Cheng our General Manager invited me, Pei Jing and Singyee together with Nigel for a lunch in Boston. One thing about Boston is that when u look at their menu.. you can see many creative unique names for each dish.
* Above photos taken from PeiJing*
I love this Cheesy Nachos! Yummyliciousss weih.. like seriously the best nachos I ever had. Oh and it has a name.. Hancock's Supernatural. Hmm.. Don't ask.. i dont see how it actually related to this nachos.. erm.. *still wondering... *What i had for that day was this.. the Giant of Thunder Mountain. Which was actually a Kong Poh Chicken with corn rice. hahaha. Not bad all.. =] Me likey~
Then.. it comes to the last day of our internship.. which was on the August 29th,09.A lil gift for Polly, Front Desk Manager. A magnetic frame with all of our pictures. =)
My Front Desk manager treated me breakfast at Ravi's and later Nigel treated me, singyee and peijing lunch at Tram's Car. ( makan je for one whole day... huahahhaa)and during that day.. we didn't work at all.. everyone was like fooling around in the office except for a few of them where their manager need their help on some stuff.
We also did a card for Ai Cheng
The front .. with our pics again.. haha..
and the back... with our signatures =)
And then on the same day itself, Jimmy's car was stolen. -__-!! Artic blue Proton Waja PEX3028. Very sueh wan lo.. darn.
Ok.. I will continue with my updates on Girly nite with my high school matess on the next post. Till then -cheers-
And wishing all Muslim a very SELAMAT HARI RAYA ..send me some Rendang will ya? hahahaha... =)
3 Thoughtful Crap(s):
You know, I agree with you leh... as students, got break must rest lah... what for go work our asses off? Kan after graduate, have to work till retire? That time where got 1.5 months leave? Hahahahaha~
(Okay I know I'm lazy =X)
hahaha... agree agreee! *high 5* LOL.
I would like to talk to you, to me is what to tell on this question.
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