The heart has its reason of which reason knows nothing...
the Gym
I met up with Wenhan a.k.a Hanzi on Thursday as i can't make it on Wednesday. He's working and i'm with my family having dinner. So we set it on Thursday instead. Last minute plan. My parents went IKEA,The Curve and Tesco at about 4 something...and I told Hanzi that i'll be around there till maybe 8pm while waiting for my bro to fninsh his work and meet us there to have dinner. Hanzi came just in time for dinner thou. LOL. And he was drag along to have dinner with my family. I know he felt kinda awkward...sorry bout that orh Hanzi. But ok what rite... get to eat Siew Long Pau leaa... hehe. We had dinner in Dragon-i at The Curve. Not bad at all lo the food there. But for some reason i dont know why i dont really have appetite to eat for the past few days.
My family in Dragon-i,The Curve
So after dinner was like already 9 something... my parents went back to the apartment and Hanzi will fetch me back later before 12am. So at first we dont really have any idea where to go or what to do... and we just walked around The Curve and Cineleisure. Too late for a movie thou as both of us need to get back home before 12am and the cinema was packed with people lining up to get their tickets.
the only elder and younger bro i have...well we dont really look alike
i think this pic is really cute... my lil cousin kenneth(which i think he look like Jet Li), my dad, cousin ah chien, and Encik Beng( thats what my parents called him)
So that was it.... nothing much that i can crap about already. This Saturday night will be the Bachelor nite and Sunday will be going to the guy's place to have lunch. Im hoping the weather will be cloudy... lol.
Oh and before i end this entry... I like this ad.... pretty cute la..
The new and latest tourist attraction in Malacca..
presenting.... the Malacca Eye. -_-!! I tot it will be as big as Eye on Malaysia..LOL
Went there yesterday to have a look.. its at the old bus station in Sungai Melaka( Malacca Pirate Park). I never get in the ride thou. There's this ferris wheel, trampoline bungee and Pirate Ship ....3 games/rides.. for 10 bucks. Not bad i think.
Well to my surprise, there's still many people lining up to get into the gondolas thou..even after there's once people got trapped in the gondola for more than 20 minutes because of power failure during the launching day...and then now still got people wanna get up there orh.
By the way....I havent even been to the one in Titiwangsa yet.. -_-!! Sigh.
Went to a Deepavali Openhouse for the public yesterday in Padang Nyiru... along the Malacca River.
Malacca River
After that he return my camera to me and asked me to find him in his magnum booth at the back to pass me his name card so that i can send him these pics thru email. He even asked for my number. I decided to find him after i had my dinner thou... so me and my mom went to a coffeeshop across the road to eat Wantan Mee ...
Well while waiting for the lucky draw....
*dance ahpek! so you think you can dance?*
I saw this on Tz's blog and i think i might as well put it in my blog... LOL...
Oops i did it again! Quitting on the 9th November instead. Gahahahaha! This time is for real. LOL. 2 more days to go. I already gave my resign letter to the supervisor just now. Not sure what im gonna do after i quit this job thou. Well...baking muffins is in my for some clothes... tidy up ma crib...watching online dramas... hehe.
I'm wishing all Hindus a very Happy Deepavali~!!!! I wanna eat Tosai with mutton curry!!!
Plan changed!! Gonna continue working till 11th November instead. -_-!!! Supervisor told me its better to work till after deepavali as on that public holiday i can get double pay. So and well... I'll continue working for another week. Not bad at all la me ( cehwah..angkat bakul sendiri )... been complaining so much from the beginning....and now i notice i've been working for almost a month already.Woot~ hehe.